Monday, July 14, 2014

Questions Questions

I don't wanna know why you think I'm talking back when I use my freedom of speech and speak about anti-racism and such commonplace things.

Anyway, so, I know people like Bella Thorne cuz she's skinny and possibly in shape.

I just wanna know why people are using her like they did Nell Burton to cancel me out when I'm talking.  I'm not saying anyone has to talk to me in particular but that I think in general others do talk to others.  I'm not a mean person, people just tell me things like I don't really speak English.  People are rubbing in the fact I have a hard, attacked life but ^miraculously^ managed enough to say I was something.  How can people do this to me?  I feel I've lost everything to some fat.  Those other girls, they are always partying and never have to cook.

Does anyone else out there feel this is rude?  I am so downtrodden by the day this nonsense.  If you don't have something nice to say to me, why say anything to me, at all?

I know other things have happened, but this is just a general topic.  I noticed you are indeed bossy, someone.  Well, I'm here to tell you you don't act as though you have a clue who I am and maybe not who other people are.  It's obviously not all about being skinny.  I have other problems in my life.  Seriously, don't point fingers at others, but I wonder why people think I am so fat and they are so much better.  I think it's something else.  My dad said they treated me like I was white as a baby.. how suggestive a claim to make at this point in the game.  Well, you don't treat those other people like they are *Chi* *nese* now.  Why, does their weight really float your boat, you high and lofty?  A lotta people see more than that.  I tried to get famous, but obviously it hasn't worked and will be even harder to have a successful life at about 30 rather than 20.  What do you say to that?  That really means something.  I feel people think I am a female who just sits here and does nothing, but I'm just another person lucky enough to like being a girl it so happens.  I have a voice and I've been barged in on.  If you are judging me for my weight, you're something of a drinker.  I have heavy drinking in my blood but do not actually drink, myself.  Wait, why did I say that?  I don't mean anyone in particular.  Fine, go off and just talk to the fresh girls and leave a girl almost 30 hanging only to let her drop to her death, LOL.  Don't bother them, but test me with things that don't make sense and shouldn't be done.

What a waste of time on brats for special late years of being born.  Learn to appreciate you some substance in life.  Let me let you in on a secret, those born in the 1980s are the least 1980s-ish prone.  It's true, I was thinking of eating my Dominos, the new pizza restaurant.  It was as heftily needed as Pizza Hut when I was little.  I see you all hiding away with kids born around 1990.  You just ignore me and feed them the pizza and think it's special I'm nearer your age enough.  You're all mixed up!

What else?  How to close?

Well, I mean no one no harm.  I just want to talk to people on the fact that I am hated that I am stuck at home rather than getting skinny like I kinda was.  I took weight training and jogged at college, jog now.  I was kicked out and need a note to return in the Spring.  What if I don't get that note?  This other college keeps not getting my other transcripts.  I hope I get it together by then.  I should major in Music Education, which they have at the other college.

They just made a noise after all I wrote, suck an annoying attitude and snapped at me just now.., like this girl gets all this from this guy, too!  Why?  Something Ellen did.  She was tacky treating her like a baby.  Why would I be happy about that?  No one is being nice to me!  You leave her alone all day, and she is all schizophrenic being nice sometimes and selfish others.  Don't say I'm shit just because she deserves some attention.  If you rank people, I am not lower than her.  I don't wanna be ranked lower.  Why are you bothering me?  I was ending my post.  You're just wasting my time!!  Why're you all slyly grinning making my life no fun?  I guess that sounds concrete, but I see a lotta people do it.  Stop acting like I did something.  That makes no sense.  Why are you talking to me?  Get to the point!  I see now, you aren't really just wasting my time talking about her age, but you're rubbing in something and leaving like you didn't do anything.  I bet you're gonna make fun of this paragraph for when I said "Why?" but I meant what I meant.  You're wasting my time.  Watch, you'll just waste it some more.  This wasn't even that important, and I ended up typing a lot for nothing.  I guess it's something I do best.  You know Ellen had my dad do a writing job like me?  There may be a good reason to that and my mom getting glasses, but I don't think it was "right."  I don't wanna mirror something like that like that.  It's ***.  Do it to yourself.

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