Tuesday, July 15, 2014

New Blog

Sad Sad Sad

Bad Bad Bad

Yes Yes Yes

I feel..

..I've said a lot and no one has responded.


NW Chinese
More English Irish


I was thinking of going to New Orleans, the other college next to my old 1.  I am also applying for up north, the top of the US on the Great Lakes.


For my wrongdoings of the day.


The medicine has made me so tired I cannot take it, next appointment like 3 more weeks!  My dad said to ask for another psychiatrist to get me off meds like doc said.


I guess you just complicated your own life, experimenters.

Who am I talking to?

The experimenters.  I am not bad.  So, you are.  How is that an insult?  I don't mean it in some weird, perverted way.  Whatever, I don't have time for this.

Now I don't.

You're just being mean to me.


I see what's happening.

Even with others-

It seems in general that others are okay off having fun, but I'm so amazing yet totally put down after for no good reason.


I felt affected.  It was possibly a cruel joke, too.  I sensed it and the mood.  They seem mad.  Today.  I am a weirder person, but is it important to know how I feel so I don't explode?  Hopefully not.  I feel better, but if you don't like me now, OK.  Have fun with who deserves it, but I don't deserve hate.


Stop bothering me.  On IMDb, they put a poster in the middle of my topics..

Never had this before.


Everyone is going around acting like I have some secret meaning they made public because of Johnny Depp..


That girl goes with the flow and is condescending toward me acting like she's saying, "Ugh!" in a high squeaky voice and sending a message via like being told to put on a skit.. to teach me a lesson!


I didn't do anything, this person did to me.


My dad has some sorta issue.  He cannot sit on my friends.  I don't have any..


You can't hold me at bay and everyone else do what they want.  Why is someone when they tag me think they're right and I'm wrong when they're snotty?  What's wrong with the word snotty?

Why are people

I don't wanna be so mean to me?  I stay outta their way.

Serious Question

iPhone has Instagram and not Blackberry.. is there an advanced phone with a keypad and Instagram?  February I can get a new phone, maybe now, though.


Have fun talking to everyone!  Sorry if you don't like me.  I'm not trying to be mean.  I talk about mean people, and then things happen.  People who are mean.  People I see.  Anyone.  Not that person altogether, though I must admit I think her sister is onto her because she is older than her and seems to feel she is spoiled over her suffering.

Me?  I'm not that young, but I have issues with people like that, though no I don't get comfortable non-threatened attention.  I didn't know what I did was so very wrong.  Most people would gloss over it.  I don't see why you can ruin my life for it.  I also have the feeling I will be threatened for saying I don't feel good.  I think I know what I'm talking about.  I am not doing this especially for anyone.  I usually do it like this.

I know!

You're bothering me about having an iPhone like everyone else and it not having a keypad so me saying disgusting for convenience as though on Twitter!  But I don't use Twitter as a blog!

You know you'll get what you want.  I guess if you blogged, you'd have to be careful.


I shoulda known.  Anyway, it was really miserable and my ride ended up coming late.  I was sitting outside a place.  I was on my new iPhone, whereas my slow Blackberry had a keypad and didn't do much.

What is anyone looking for?

I didn't do anything but still said I was sorry.  Okay, you have a word frenzy.


..no hard feelings, but you keep using that person against me.  She's definitely been nasty.  So, I don't know why you have the right to be mad.  You just act like you don't know what I'm talking about.  Oh, no, did I ruin it, cuz I know someone other than me isn't perfect?  I was surrounded by nasty people, and nothing ever happened to them.  I wanted to say nasty-ass, but you don't know anything about if it's right to curse or not.  And I dunno why I happen to seem to be talking to anyone in particuilar, but it wouldn't help if I were trying to be nasty rather than smart.


It was a weird fantastical world, and Ellen supposedly was dead and like someone who died in another world.  I rubbed a little card when we were still checking on her, and she was alive.


Someone admitted in plain day, giving in that I was Asian.  I cannot have that..  You didn't do it to other mean people.  Why track me down?  I was upset, but I didn't do anything!  You still didn't explain that.


Why do you hurt me and not her?  Something is bothering me.  I am not my dad, and I am not my neighbors.  You think that someone else can have someone important in my life comfortably in that sorta disposable way.  Why are you so nice to her?  I told you to stop bothering me, but you keep coming back like you did something right.  This person is only a reciever, too.

Can you explain to me..

..the right to mistreet me for using the word "disgusting?"  I think I've had problems with this before, I remember now, so let's just forget it but remember what I meant, nothing ugly and gross.  You all keep flocking to other people I know and acting like I did  something.  You chose to take that word that way..


Why is everyone ruining my life?  You're not all more younger than me.  Whose idea was it to forsake my esteem?  Why are you pushing someone sweet to be mean to me?  Why doesn't it matter what I say I feel?  I am a plain ole good person.  I do care.  Why be silly?  Want to prolong the treatment to others about me?  What did I do?  Why didn't anyone talk @ that?  I just took back the way ya'll whined cuza the word "disgusting."  I mean, that 's "what" she did and I did feel sorry/bad, of course.  She seems to have high self-esteem @ her overly refined looks.  Why can't I forget @ her like that?  She always, it feels, talks back.  She can be excessively beautiful, sure.  Just doesn't seem impressed with others.  Her dad, like Jackie Evancho's, is very handsome. We'll, I hope I learn to be a good mentor or, 1st, person.  How would I forget @ her if ya'll're sending insulting messages  with others to me?  Also, that other girl worries me.  I do pray others get the attention they desire.  OK now..


Do you wanna know how I feel, again?

My dad keeps acting like I'm in trouble.

Monday, July 14, 2014


I wasn't trying to be too nasty to a girl..  You just don't like the word "disgusting," so I took it back.  She was literally trying to look disgusting like my dad staring at me like I did something just to get at people.  That's not a good thing, but maybe people aren't interested in that.  Even if it's just constructive crticism.

I must admit people are like giving her attention over me, which is fine, you gotta give the world its turn.
Why is it a favor when -you- speak?
Why is it a favor when -you- speak?

Kind vs. Amount of Attention..

You guys fantasized me being the bad guy and probably getting less and less attention when at 1st it's like wow I'm not special anymore, these people who attest to what they saw are untrained monkeys.

It's like..

..watching TV.


So, I should just leave this girl alone and ignore what's going on unless I get hurt?


Online recording software >>

probably not great


I'm dodging too many bullets.  Sorry for anything I did mean these past few days.


My dad is illegal.

Me Singing


I sang low ant the end.


I just wanna go out and eat my supper and go back to my life, but my dad keeps getting in the way.  He always has a rough attitude and sends signals that give me inappropriate feelings.

It's not hard

to hit the notes on The Prayer!



50 Art Songs after I learn

The Flower Duet
Time to Say Goodbye
The Prayer

I know Somewhere.


for being so vicious and getting anything out.. I try to stop but ya'll find it so fascinating


My dad was convinced I submitted to him and that something would happen to me sometime..


So, not only do people after me experience pleasure beyond my wildest imagination somehow, but they are comfortable.  I'm comfortable.

Why must I swear at myself like I'm a schizophrenic?!

I must

get out of this and make something of myself and life.  My goal is a touch 1.


Don't tell me what to make #1.


I worry you are programmed to say no..  explanations AFTERwards


What happened to good Christina?  Can't mess up?  :|

If you wanna romp in like it's some test, I usually win.

I am so sorry.

Bella, about the word disgusting.  It was deep, man, deep.

I am so sorry?

How can I carry a conversation?  Look at IMDb.  Maybe, I should make all my marks there.  Not really.  I will just have to find my own thing to do.

Your Problem

You keep coming at me like I'm mean to be interesting.  Even my dog is joining it.


They won't stop!

What place to they have saying I'm something that shouldn't ever be?  I am not giving anything up in Orlando!

Why am I

learning to write the hard way?


"She has nothing to live for"

I don't even remember saying that.

Sorry to those who don't like it.  Everyone is being wrong to me.


Why was the person who seemed to loudly Tweet "Dayte." so condescending.  She's clearly a bit younger.  If not, she still seems about my age.  She's the baby of the class almost.


These people keep sending these random, annoying messages, maybe to make me have to fill out Word Captchas.  See, they're just bad.  I feel helpless, in my well-being, physically.

This 1 girl..

..like Lady GaGa said "Space" someone said "date" who's also in my class year but younger.  Like, it seemed crackly, too, and thick, with a country accent for some reason that wasn't very right.


These people are all acting gross.


In my room, they are making all these stuck up noises.


They threatened me for saying that.  QUIT.

How to Say

She tries to look disgusting with a look like my dad, like the human features don't matter.  I don't need to explain myself, but I did.

Oh, and why? Just to piss me off? Or just to rub in something weird. Maybe, it's just a look and that's what she does with it.. LOL.

If you like..

..someone, just talk to them.  If not, go away.

I was just under the influence-

I did not set up my life for you to take my place.


Why's everyone do mean?

I'm sorry cuz

Some people may be sensitive to words cuz they're ***.  Why does she try to look that way?

Why don't ya'll

Quit acting like I'm a looney like my dad? No one'll leave me alone.


Why does everyone treat me like my dad with his tacky side?

Who It All Was

Some other little girl out there is bothering me.

Don't Like Her

She has nothing to live for, is like my dad in disgusting ways, always staring like a scared deer in the middle of the road.  She just goes against me.  You all sit there and waste time every day.  You attempt to limit my freedom of speech and lie about it.  You don't care about my feelings.  This stuff with my dad is shit.  This is not how Christina's life's gonna go.


by Tweeters


My dad was totally mean to me that things were right.

Who else is involved?  I don't need anyone.

You think I'm nasty?

I think you are.


Not so much wasting time on me as saying if I'm right for you.  I mean me figuring it out.  Why not just sit here on and blast @ racism.  LOL?

Weird Experience

this morning

I tell you you are wrong

and everyone else thinks so

to be mean to me


Why're you all so selfish and annoying telling me I am not good enough tho I'm Chinese and pretty good considering?  It's not true.  You want me to look like all the ugly white people, and in the end I will be ugly.

Also, I come innocently out, and you all get into my life and ruin it without much consideration altogether.


They are insulting me again.

Also, you people are not as powerful as you think.

Doesn't this just leave you hanging?  They sometimes kid.


I'm loading  a 6 min. video of me talking. I'm pestered.

Is there something you want?

I didn't come here to say you were wasting my time.  Why do you keep acting like I'm not even human and like my dad can tell you how to treat me?  I don't wanna be close to him like that!

Questions Questions

I don't wanna know why you think I'm talking back when I use my freedom of speech and speak about anti-racism and such commonplace things.

Anyway, so, I know people like Bella Thorne cuz she's skinny and possibly in shape.

I just wanna know why people are using her like they did Nell Burton to cancel me out when I'm talking.  I'm not saying anyone has to talk to me in particular but that I think in general others do talk to others.  I'm not a mean person, people just tell me things like I don't really speak English.  People are rubbing in the fact I have a hard, attacked life but ^miraculously^ managed enough to say I was something.  How can people do this to me?  I feel I've lost everything to some fat.  Those other girls, they are always partying and never have to cook.

Does anyone else out there feel this is rude?  I am so downtrodden by the day this nonsense.  If you don't have something nice to say to me, why say anything to me, at all?

I know other things have happened, but this is just a general topic.  I noticed you are indeed bossy, someone.  Well, I'm here to tell you you don't act as though you have a clue who I am and maybe not who other people are.  It's obviously not all about being skinny.  I have other problems in my life.  Seriously, don't point fingers at others, but I wonder why people think I am so fat and they are so much better.  I think it's something else.  My dad said they treated me like I was white as a baby.. how suggestive a claim to make at this point in the game.  Well, you don't treat those other people like they are *Chi* *nese* now.  Why, does their weight really float your boat, you high and lofty?  A lotta people see more than that.  I tried to get famous, but obviously it hasn't worked and will be even harder to have a successful life at about 30 rather than 20.  What do you say to that?  That really means something.  I feel people think I am a female who just sits here and does nothing, but I'm just another person lucky enough to like being a girl it so happens.  I have a voice and I've been barged in on.  If you are judging me for my weight, you're something of a drinker.  I have heavy drinking in my blood but do not actually drink, myself.  Wait, why did I say that?  I don't mean anyone in particular.  Fine, go off and just talk to the fresh girls and leave a girl almost 30 hanging only to let her drop to her death, LOL.  Don't bother them, but test me with things that don't make sense and shouldn't be done.

What a waste of time on brats for special late years of being born.  Learn to appreciate you some substance in life.  Let me let you in on a secret, those born in the 1980s are the least 1980s-ish prone.  It's true, I was thinking of eating my Dominos, the new pizza restaurant.  It was as heftily needed as Pizza Hut when I was little.  I see you all hiding away with kids born around 1990.  You just ignore me and feed them the pizza and think it's special I'm nearer your age enough.  You're all mixed up!

What else?  How to close?

Well, I mean no one no harm.  I just want to talk to people on the fact that I am hated that I am stuck at home rather than getting skinny like I kinda was.  I took weight training and jogged at college, jog now.  I was kicked out and need a note to return in the Spring.  What if I don't get that note?  This other college keeps not getting my other transcripts.  I hope I get it together by then.  I should major in Music Education, which they have at the other college.

They just made a noise after all I wrote, suck an annoying attitude and snapped at me just now.., like this girl gets all this from this guy, too!  Why?  Something Ellen did.  She was tacky treating her like a baby.  Why would I be happy about that?  No one is being nice to me!  You leave her alone all day, and she is all schizophrenic being nice sometimes and selfish others.  Don't say I'm shit just because she deserves some attention.  If you rank people, I am not lower than her.  I don't wanna be ranked lower.  Why are you bothering me?  I was ending my post.  You're just wasting my time!!  Why're you all slyly grinning making my life no fun?  I guess that sounds concrete, but I see a lotta people do it.  Stop acting like I did something.  That makes no sense.  Why are you talking to me?  Get to the point!  I see now, you aren't really just wasting my time talking about her age, but you're rubbing in something and leaving like you didn't do anything.  I bet you're gonna make fun of this paragraph for when I said "Why?" but I meant what I meant.  You're wasting my time.  Watch, you'll just waste it some more.  This wasn't even that important, and I ended up typing a lot for nothing.  I guess it's something I do best.  You know Ellen had my dad do a writing job like me?  There may be a good reason to that and my mom getting glasses, but I don't think it was "right."  I don't wanna mirror something like that like that.  It's ***.  Do it to yourself.


Instagram + Vine

Sunday, July 13, 2014


To: Josh Groban

Well, today, you did a great job.  You did seem a bit turned off, but I hope you're having a grand time!  Wouldn't it be fun to someday cohost or duet with me someday?  *bats eyelashes*  I was a great singer, getting my voice back.  All the hypes around, I wanted to be like Johnny Depp and act, but now I wanna sing, too.

College Major

UCF - BME in Muis Education

has much less general studies cuz it's music + education..

I don't want white people

to treat me like I'm black.

I don't wanna keep listening

to me being worse than everyone else.



Sorry I was a bit harsh, didn't mean it.

I guess I can apologize..

..with how literal some of my thoughts may have balanced out to be.  I just don't take some of the robotic cruelty that has happened to me in Orlando.  I coulda been a hero.

I woke up happy..

..I've been offensive in defense, just happens.  I realized that other people are like sitting behind a wall and throw insults or things at me I don't like.  Oh well..  Sorry!

Yes, I feel this treatment is just too bad.  Nothing seems to be able to be done about it.  I don't think it's healthy to keep getting upset at it as it goes.

My parents

have nothing to believe in but whoever is older and blood.

Couldn't the police just come in and arrest you..

..for making my computer take so long to load on a certain browser?  I swear, you're really getting to me.

I detest this..

..I detest the secret messages I am getting here.  They are all leading to nothing but trouble.


I don't need anyone ruining my life for my complex attack thoughts.  I don't think I should be judged if I am always mistreated by everyone.  The thoughts did not actually hurt anyone but stated my stance on their sin to me or others.  It's not something you can remember and describe in words, not me right now at least.  Go "hero" a real problem.





I know I am hated for my race cuz there's no reason to start being mean to me.

If you're not interested in me..

..I need to get interested in why.


I'm tired of this stuff on Ellen that offends me.

How immature.

How does this thought even pass your mind?

Who are you

to tell me what to do?

I just like to talk.

I don't hold things inside.

If I have to bow down..

..to people from Pittsburgh, then so do you.

If I said no..

..why give me more to think @?

If I said what I mean, why do it to me the opposite?




Why do people think I'm a loony animal?  Do you want me to catch schizophrenia?

Wants to Be a Kid

Josh Groban seems interested in stuff for teens, which is good.  I just know I have a deep feeling for this and know how to push him in the right direction.

No Need to Worry

I am resting my voice.  I dunno @ talking.


Why get mad at people who just feel nice?


Saturday, July 12, 2014

Important Forum Post


When are you practically dating?

Any takers?  This is fun.

Who are you to

trek me down and make sure nothing good happens to me?


You think I am just a valuable animal because I am successful and you're like flipping me off that I can't date Josh.  It sounds like I'm fighting, but I thought I'd present the block of the letter A.


..There should be lotta younger singers, like 15 years younger.

My Only Issue

Other girls like him.  I wanna see you say I'm really gonna or would date Josh Groban.


Josh Groban found me, he found a girlfriend.  Who does he expect to meet?  Would you date a handicapped woman?

Not So Good, After All

If you put me in a movie with someone attractive, a little girl with a white bob and bangs, she wouldn't be SO cute after all.


I used to read the songs at church and memorized them at age 7.
You would never treat some young teen girl like me.


Voice Recorder >>

probably boring and not that great, just wanted something to do


The Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

O My Gosh - I told my mom it was the scariest thing I ever saw.


deviantART from a day ago

I can keep my thoughts to myself.

I don't care what others want.

Compensating Ideas

Why would someone tell me something is bad cuz I deserve it?  I try to tell myself to not deal with it.

If I wanted to be a singer since 5..

..why wouldn't I deserve it?


I don't wanna sit here and listen to people thinking I should be thought of as a nigger, even if it is okay for them.

Yer just racist.

You are partly.

You ignore me.  I don't have social comfort.  I am always beat down for fun.  Well, what I say I will never be sorry for.  I wasn't even being mean in the 1st place, none of this is.  I'm just saying stuff.

Why even bother ever talking to me..

..if you think my dad says no?


Why is there popular thought that because I gained weight because of you other fatties that I'm worthless, too, just a life, don't matter, didn't serve.

All Ya'll Do Is

sit there and please bad folks.

What did that mean?

The authority in my life is flawed.

No Authority

I have the authority to expel you from my life.

If you think you need to dig into what sparked thought in me..

..you don't.  I know how to read, I just can't do it, anymore.

I said I wasn't mad.  Why do I keep hearing the echo of some foolish person?  Like saying everything means such and such.

No, I didn't take a shower.  I went to bed late, couldn't fold our towels, and made hot soup.  I was thinking of going back to bed.

OK, I have something to say.

Who are you tracking down my thought and not thinking I can speak my mind politely yet knowingly on my life?

And do you think I'm being sarcastic with freedom of speech for those who prefer to set in the mud?  No.  I just said "Who are you to.."  I guess you think it's used the wrong way all the time rather than to be informative.  I don't hate anyone.  You think I'm some Asian slob who just takes in pleasure.  Who do you think I'm talking to, now?  Well, that doesn't really go with 1 single person.  Ideas are coming.  I am not mad about anything but that we're talking about other people all the time.  Why?  It's fun, I guess..  I just feel it's being used a a toy.  Something doesn't seem right.  I think I .. I dunno, I need to clean my room and wanna get out more but run outta money.  Who knows, maybe I'll enjoy a walk toda to a fast food joint if I have any money left this week, maybe like $8.  That's enough for McDonald's 99 cent menu.

I don't care..

..how much you think someone else can put on a scene.  I won't take it.  From them nor anyone.

On the Phone

My mom's on the phone, and the guy sounded like he said Asian at the start, about me..  No one can do that out of convenience, condone my whole life like that.  They know what happened.

If you feel better..

..shouldn't I feel relieved?


I know people wanna know if my speaking is bad so they can say I wasn't dumb but a good student.


Seems lots to do.  So there?  I compensated myself?..

Why is it..

..when everything was open and I had my chance everyone attacked?


Are you a good giver?  Reach for the moon and land in the stars sometime!


Audio recording >>


Just admit it.

Do you know how much time I want from how many people?  You think I'm ***?

Where You Are in Life

If your daughter's toenails are sliding off but not her plus size mini skirt, then you are below rock bottom, which is where I'm at.


a few days ago

Height: 5'4"+


All these people blocking me out for not being some young blonde is really getting to me.  I don't deal with people like this.

Hey, look, it's a real sewing machine!

No, I already have 1.  I got a huge cookbook with 1,400 recipes, Better Home and Gardens.  It has tabs and all these different categories, like poultry, pizzas and sandwiches, casseroles, dessert, smoothies..  $30.  $35 in Canada..

It looks the fanciest.  It's of the basics, the general categories available.  I also have a health cookbook, like low gluten, unfortunately threw away others, and a vegan bible.

My Singing

It's so loud, it hurt through the speakers.

Friday, July 11, 2014


I had some weird thoughts today.



I don't need a problem with Ellen DeGeneres, but she is pretty secretive..


Audio recording software >>

listening, long and not good


Sorry for all the anger I let out, I figured there it's my blog you can answer it, I didn't attack you 1st.

I have some big news for you.

Redheads are superior but a flaw of nature.  White hair is best.  MY hair is black and red.

Ha ha, I don't mean anything against anyone.  I'm just being superfluous.

Thursday, July 10, 2014


It was nice to get a glimpse of the oh so mature Josh Groban.  I watched him on Comedy Bang Bang, a TV show.

A guy gets hit in the head and hosts a show in the past in black and white.  Josh Groban is there, and they just mess around.

He's quite the talk.  People should be up on him, eventually.

Lotta Gifted Band and Orchestra People..

..They get popular by the time they hit their teen years.
What about posting online and acting?


I was considered most talented in music.  No one cares if I didn't play piano at 7.. and I can play a lotta songs for fun.


Wow, I'm not awesome in music cuza the stupid homework we got at the stupid schools.  I was to be a singer.  At least I know I could sing.. and I do sing.  This is so bad.  People just wanna say I didn't do something.  I posted online..  I lost my piano in a flood.  I have a keyboard.  I am not thinking something because of saying this.  I just noticed people are being suggestive to me and making me schizophrenic.


..You all think I'm loony.  HA.

Do you ever just look at a teen

and see something big has happened behind the scenes and be like what what could possibly be, nothing left is there for me.

Hands On

I don't need it.


Meeting Ellen was a disaster.
Who doesn't learn as a kid growing up to be somebody?

Caught Up

Ellen in hurting young people.  Like, thinking they didn't meet some qualification of authenticity.

Why would I

be questioned?


Why can't I just be a normal person without all this weird stuff happening to me?  If the excuse is the community, it doesn't make sense.
What if I said I didn't do it?


I was considered a winnder just for giving a shit.


People have unleashed someone in check.


Record audio or upload mp3 >>

A song in English. Most triumphant, maybe.


Record music and voice >>

Online recording software >>

The 1st is strained, but the 2nd seems more professional.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

You know what

Mr. Webber, people don't get down when they sing.


If this guy gets to meet Josh Groban..I get to do music with Josh Groban.


I've uncovered the secret

to m***********.  I've had dreams where I frantically search for a place I cannot find.

It will never fly..

..the South of the US and Europe thinking they are all from Florida, and people like from Pennsylvania or with ancestors there! arent'.

I know 2 people..

..who think hey you just come out and say here I am I'm ready come and get me .. I'm better than ya'll.  And that's just that.  You might think I'm bitter.  They don't really just think they're better, as in this fruit is better, it's not spoiled.  I just had this idea in my head that they both think hey I'm from the South, I'll come out, I'm in, ya'll're just confused, please bow down to me.



Wow, looks so hot and cool and nice and has so much substance! He's only about 1/2 year older than me! I see Bella Thorne is on the cover. I like this girl so much. She is from the Fort Lauderdale, FL, area, like me, but closer to Miami. I follow both of their Tweets on Twitter every day.. no sweat. Anyway, I looked for it and did not see it. Guessing it's not out yet or I will have to check again. Looks great! :) So cute!


Record and upload audio >>

Some of it is a little okay.  I'm shoveling through Sous le dome epais (sp?)

Set Up

You made someone a certain way to me so in the end they could say it wasn't their fault and they get what I earn.

Cleaned My Room Some

I see keychains about, need to wait to get keyrings in mail..


So, you're jealous? Don't hurt just me.


Wow, this is, like, the best thing I ever saw! Your voice was perfect!

It'd always been this way.

Maybe, something just threw me off, a long-standing issue.  What it was, a good thing to be fixed.  I just felt guilt on my part that I thought shouldn't be.

A Guilty Thinker

I was thinking of how nice it was that people talk to this sweet girl, but I was thinking of all the ways people rubbed her in -over- me.  People are saying the experience can't happen.

Me Singing

Record audio or upload mp3 >>

Shows talent but not that great.


I don't like the superiority of Late Boomers and generation YZ kids.

What I Et Finally.

.I had salad and iced tea.  I also got a giant all natrual pina colada - YUM THO.  Big salad with enough chicken for me.

OK OK I give

If anyone out there wants to know and doesn't talk to me, I played Titanic a lot, not like 10 times..  I sang.  Then, I did Memory from Cats and then I played by ear All I Ask of You..  I made it dramatic sometimes.


I was in a bad mood with logical thought.  It just came out as negative and attacking.

New Favorite Part

in Bach's Toccata and Fugue

(I like the part when the bottom is played with the top.)

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


If you people keep trying to bring me down, that will only worsen my schizophrenia.  If you are jealous I am Chinese, then I can't help you - the Chinese are hated.


I got this cute stuffed monkey for $5.  I was at an Apple class at the mall.


2 piano and singing

1 piano of a singing song though

I will....

Tour my voice, but my piano playing and singing I want straight to the big screen.

Instrumental Inclinations

I played piano again today.  I sang, too.  I like it that way.  Piano is more my thing.  I have a strong desire in organ.

New Cell Phone Cover

Monday, July 7, 2014


You don't meet 1/2 Arabs every day!

Would anyone like to..

..explain to me what's going on with blacks and Jews?  I mean technically you might know they act condescendingly on me.  I get that from others, for no reason.  I mean, I know when I say I look Jew, they pretty much think it's nothing cool.  I think most people with Jew is like my dad with indian.


I probably know what real Jewish is because, well, my mom is multicultural and I've seen the Spanish and different people.  I'm just saying.  I thought I'd listen.  But I know Jewish is a bit different from what I'm like.  I am not accepted by Jews but by Hispanics cuz I am not 100% on dark hair|eyes.




Should I care if certain someone might be in a way partly in a bad mood?


I moved the page to the end.


Negative Page

I feel made fun of with the warning up on my IMDb account constantly.  I see it when I post.


..are people so worried about their crap babies but my parents are always irritating me?

Like, don't you dare touch "my" baby.  Or "the" baby.  Like, it's a big deal and matters and they never get bothered for anything.

Rising Star

So, I voted for everyone since I got the thing working, not hard.  I found a reason to up each 1 pretty soon in the game.  :D

Don't bother me.

Be suggestive to those other young people who think it's right.

Not Worth It

Could cause crime and hate.

Older adults leave us to do Rising Star and then drop in from a rope to tell us we can't give others elderly affection.


If you are just antsy about my age with everyone, nothing will ever happen.

Do the Math

If I can't count on having a ***y mom, it means I don't get what I don't deserve as far as elderly affection goes.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

O Ho ly Nite

Voice Recorder >>


I was mad and now the garage door is lose, from a few weeks ago.

Good Singers

Imagine getting high quality directing like in Jersey Boys?


3 times

Teens Today

Did you know that teens today try too hard to be there for you and be on top of everything, yet they are actually "the baby" even more than the kinds of kids there are today?


The Ellen DeGeneres Show

New IMDb List

New Singing

I don't think it's good, but some random person will like it.

Record and upload voice >>

So far, not bad.  Not sure how that happened.


I have a sick feeling from my stomach.  That dessert for after breakfast I had, too, and the extra sub?

And sorry about my evil veggie thoughts.  I can't seem to ward off your insults.

Saturday, July 5, 2014


That's what's needed since that's what happened.


Yer outta luck, if the answer is no you don't have to do anything life-consuming to get it back.  That person just did something wrong.

I know what you're doing.

You're overly obsessed with "what" that comes big and solid but never accepted me.

The reason I was upset at Ellen about my mom getting glasses was because I think it's her fault.  I said she was m********ing in pleasure cuz we were adults, didn't mean it in a bad way.  I didn't know she was so stringent cuz she doesn't act it.


Voice Recorder >>


Online recording software >>


Record music and voice >>

for any friends up late (no one)

non-(C) Xmas songs

Record audio or upload mp3 >>

Anyone out there wanna check this..

Me singing Nessun Dorma.

Online recording software >>


That post was a bit funny, didn't mean no harm.


Was there something wrong with that post on Ellen?  Better leave it up so people know it was there.  It was accurate to the stituation.  I'm not trying to sound like she imagines.


I'm pretty good, but Ellen doesn't get it.

I just wanted YA'LL to know

I don't think someone born around 1960 deserves to be treated like a kid at this age anymore than our childhood was a wasteful scramble.

I saw some interesting show..

..but people don't follow through and post online, these days!  It's so worthless, people on screen.

You know what I found out.

There are lots of people with the same opinions as me, just they weren't overcome by racism and kicked outta college for it.


may or may not post

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I pray and I hope that Ellen DeGeneres is enjoying her vacation so much!


I'm mature enough to say when to tow the line.

What I'm Doing

It's just so hard to plow through singing, these days.  It's fun, but it's more fun if you can do it.  I was just too busy to settle down and set goals myself.  I was told all these ecstatic things like taking all these academic courses and going to a 4 year college and such and taking all these courses to prove you do a lot.


If you're interested in a baby singing, go ahead and tell me you like experienced singers.


Why won't my dad get out of my life a little and get 1?  If I say what he did, he'll do or not do something more annoying.

Who does he think he is?  I don't mean to be overly sensitive and give an autopsy.

Stupid Idiots

Who complains Johnny Depp is a giver?


Why does everyone give a shit but just be shit to me?


I'm cooking mushy rice.

I feel the most trouble I've been in..

..was either not getting enough exercise or not getting enough time thinking.  Now, I don't get enough exercise.

Honest Question

Would you rather be like the singer..

Charlotte Church
Sarah Brightman

There's also people like Katherine Jenkins.


All some people do is send mean messages to me.


About Me

All Ellen DeGeneres does is send mean messages to me.


I was with old friends and lotta kids.. at ice skating.  Like a big pro place, we sing out on the ice if we can.  We can skate while others sing.  Ellen DeGeneres was supposedly working it, not showing up in the end much but as a host.  Josh Groban sang.  In the end, he came up to me and slapped my butt and like suctioned up a hug.  I was gonna sing "I Could Have Danced All Night" and looked for my boots skates.  Lotta us all had magenta on.  My boom box played it supposedly for the whole rink, like it was hard to turn down.

Friday, July 4, 2014


About Me

People keep making mean noises in my room.


may or may not post

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I lay down and my cramp went away.


I guess I will try to do the singing tour rather than ballet|college.  I'd like to do ballet, though.

New Picture of Me


We were oustide a store at the end.  My dad bought a "Not No" sign instead of not no sign.  She kept approachinghim and I kept getting in the way.  She attempted to tickle me and I woke up.  My throat felt like scratchy and irritated like I'd throw up.  It was like folding down to itself.


I was wandering around looking for a closed room or little room with toilet.  My Gramma was in it.  I think I had like 5 minutes left and woke up.  After the little room, I was to proceed into a larger area.


I watched Earth to Echo last night.  It was okay, 1 of those movies you wouldn't see if you knew what it was in advance.  It was a bit messed up.  I coulda been hired to be in a movie.  What I mean is I've tried and I don't see why I'm bad..

Working for You

You said Italians are good at like psychology and stuff so Asians can't do it.  Like personality gigs.  So, essentially, you don't even accept Southern Europeans, yet you have them do stuff for you rather than really getting involved.


Back to bed, slept with light on.


Some girl was in my face with a razor trying to shave it, but I got away.

Later, it was about visiting like some supposedly religious building.  We dallied but left.  Some pattern I did.  I think I left to go back like home or something and saw something active and familiar on the way.

Thursday, July 3, 2014


may or may not post

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The things I thought I'd get in place practicing singing have gotten there.  They are getting together.

Ballet + Singing

My mom said I could go to UCF and just take 1 course.  I'd be a singing major and dance minor.

I don't know if I feel like applying to the private college.  I might transfer, a little later.

A Real Thought

Some people think they are the only good 1, but others out there are good, just not told of it in the same.


I don't know, probably not right to tell someone they need help.

New Picture of Me



People who are about my age are just babies, but I'm grown up-


I sang for like 20 minutes?


My singing is much better.  It's copyrighted.

More News From the Frog

People with older parents say that when we conform to adults we're conforming to shit.

YouTube Comment


Wow! I'm so glad you got the rights to the karaoke background. It was beautiful! Probably 1 of the best and most solid. Your singing and you, so beautiful. We all look up to anyone like Sarah Brightman, Kathrin Jenkins, Renee Fleming, cuz of their sharp, motherly presence. We can only hope to build more our presence in these things.

Wow, this isn't the kind of comment most like. Anyway, you're awesome! Keep it up and keep pushing it! Singing while you're young and not stopping I think is easiest. I know from bad experience. I thought a break with my voice would improve for acting. I've added vibrato, and it's so hard when I do it. I used to sing loud, though.

I love your singing so much! You're such a cool person, too. I am 28. I'm kinda English and, like you I see, also love to talk!

Take care!

xoxo All the best for you and ya'll in England!


Nell Burton is getting taller.

New Pictures

Nell Burton

New List



Not very good.



I ain't living with people always suggesting things to me even when I'm not there.


I just have my blog, now.  What is there to make fun of?


I see people suddenly are overly accepting of other young adults|older youth just to bribe not to hurt me, but I don't need that.


Quit matching me with black people like that.  It's not cuz I'm so good.  It's cuz I'm 1/2 Chinese.


I don't want all these jokes on me because of Tim Burton and the N word thing.  I had a good rep.  What is this?  I will not take it!  I want my past back.  Just forget about me and see what happens.


I went back and deleted all the videos I could from the passwords on my computer.  If I find my old notebook, I can delete more, but it seems not as obviously up.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


I'm watching American Dad, and I can see them just sitting there goofing off about problems.  They just go around aimlessly living and don't seem to need to care about anything but themselves.

About Me

Why should I care about what any of you say?

New Page

About Me


You can't suddenly treat me like this.  I thought I was Christina.  Don't listen to those bad, mean parents who want me hurt.  You are just being a stick in the mud thinking you can say you're better than me now.  I hate to disrupt your disorderly thinking.

Before I said what I'm going to say..

..think of how bad you people from California are.  This girl came to our school from there, and I feel little punishments.  No, you crazy to God person, I do not "know" what's wrong when it's not technically wrong.  It affected my family life.  No one gives a *beep* about you in this situation.  Sorry in advance for those of you weirdos.

I didn't live to say a curse word in this post.  I just am trying to say something.

I am going along with my life, but this keeps coming up.


Ya'll are such ungrateful little pests.

You're comfortable knowing I musta done something to be in such a rut.  You may say it's okay only to get comfortable being uneasy about it later, considering only my dad and perhaps other random members of society even care.

I reach for big things, but you know who..

..would make a good presented Christine Daee?  Hayley Westenra or Carly Rae Jepsen.



not good at portraits, now..

Cleaning Your Room

I am.  Just some goes a long way in appearance!

What's on My Mind

Privately, I know I have to clean up my room.


If I explained myself, it would take a little longer, but it seems the right thing to do.

I guess I should not be too upset, but I am a bit worried about the afterhthoughts when I say it didn't matter and I go all funny but not perverted much.


Why do people think I'm a looney?  My mom raised me better than that.

My Attitude?

Can anyone process the inability of me to find the proper physical activity and being American as to why Ellen can be mad at how I appear?


I'm not perfect for anyone.  Where is the copyright law?  I never even found saying not to post online.  Let's admit it was confusing.  I admit it can ruin your life if you get famous for it.

I don't see how..

..I forget - I feel pumped up with solid air.

Oh, who'd want to listen to my singing??  :|  I don't mind if someone does.  I should post something, but all the good stuff I found copyrighted.  I think it's cuz I heard so much as long as you don't sell it like with that n word thing.  I work-ed my butt off to stay legal, and this happens?


I was thinking of putting it off until the scratchiness from throwing up heals.. maybe I'll try and embarrass myself.

No Offense

to Depp, but why is the world so worthless after him and Burton?  All I can do is sit here and sort out your shit.  All of a sudden, everything is gone.  Blame my school for kicking me outta singing for no reason and Music Ed maybe.  I won a scholarship.


I think people are in general going off their rocker then it seems that I wanna work with kids .. they think, like when I did music I got the message no one cared about my music.. I could have easily started piano at 1 but so what I didn't.

Where I'm At

I don't have nice clothes, I'm not in shape.  I just can blame you.

If you're wondering..

..which someone must be.. I don't like being stimulated.  I can chose certain things to let in or not, I know.  I can stimulate myself, maybe.  I wonder if my dad thought he'd get *** with a Chinese wife.  I encourage him to visit his sister.  Guess she's in some sort of relationship that doesn't do grace to this.

My Honest Feelings

Because you have wronged me, you have hurt others.

My mom wants attention from my dad, but my dad doesn't seem to give it.  Also, he is 2-sided or schizo in that he both wants to be his age and in that he is jealous of younger people.  (I don't mean anything suggestive in saying "2-sided" nor "schizo.."  The world just doesn't work like that for people.)


Violin orders.




These women could be "gone" in the push of a button, mentally speaking.

These women born around 1960 look all raggedly hip to please like older guys but it means nothing. . They are trying to prove they are in the dirt like kids with dads like the generation right above, but in the end the situation is talked out of and left out for good.  Poof!  Nothing happened for us kids.  They wanted to prove they were in the dirt as in accurate in every respect.  Like, that they care about details.  But, no, you'll see they "don't feel like it."  They are disillusioned brats.


may or may not post

 photo 2103-05-27-5.png

I guess the funny thing @ piano..

..when you don't really play is the notes are all the same sometimes.


I don't know if I'll get very advanced in it.  I'll probably just play a little.  I don't know if it'll help my singing but should help in music.  I used to do it, I mean.  I just need to clean my room.  It's just a lotta fun to succeed in it.  My singing alone does not help my music skills.  That other girl Stirling seems to have taken dance, as well.


..What I meant is what's important.  I think I was mad and just meant something too hard to describe but that does not include an insult.

You're weird.

Where's my pleasure?  Do I need a million dollars to run away to France?


Someone comes on and wants to say no one else can sing.  They want to say they are different by being normal.


Maybe, you are..now.


I would never say some things about getting attention, but do you know people who it's like omigosh I can't believe someone like you would ever deserve anything like that?  I'm not trying to be mean, just trying to make a point.

I also feel I am the only 1 who can govern my life.

You want to know why?  Because they make it seem so nasty.  Like, they are just saying it in a negative way and probably lack in qualification as far as the substance goes.

I probably have a side like that, but I wanted to know if people knew of people who do things like this, like say, "Of course, I deserve the world to bow down to me and be miserable."

So, go home, clip your toenails, do the work, and come back again some other day.  Know in advance you are not alone.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Her Problem

No, Ellen, you do not have to take away what's for me, it's not for your generation.  We keep getting nothing because of you.

I thought you meant we could trust you, but you're causing problems.

Why should I care?

This is just so lame.  Nothing ever happens.

Another day goes by..

Jealous of me?? the same as no one being there for someone like you!

I give up on Orlando.

In the movie there is a dog who is huge with little skinny legs, meaning he eats and does not get exercise..  I don't just look at it as a funny way to draw a dog.  It just seems like a big dog that's even bigger with even smaller legs.  It was so funny, but at least I could tell what was going on in what they put out.  I don't know what would be funny to someone else.  Maybe, I'm just different.  I don't know if that's considered a basic fact.  Nothing wrong with seeing a lotta emotion.. dunno how to say.  I'm not suggesting anything bad in leaving off.  I just have seen a lot of different things.  I notice more now, too.


Les Triplets de Belleville, Canadian cartoon from like 2003|4.


New Page - Old Pix


Why is it so difficult?  I'm not 100% excited about anything.  You work, you lose in school.


No more auditions for a Tinkerbell this year..


I am like 145 pounds now.


Why would you treat me like my skin was too black to look white?  Do you want me to get heat lines in my face?!

What I Did

If other people are tired of being icons for kids, then I will be, with my singing..

What's Up

My iron chord seems to have snapped at the base where it bends when I iron, and I the music tuner wasn't working and I somehow disconnected the tuning thing with the low string.

I just had squash and now am cooking Tilapia, with tarter sauce later on.

Next Up

Flute?  If I wanted oboe, I'd do clarinet.  Maybe, that will be after.


I felt so bad I was better.

I did it.

I got the violin stuff.


What's Good?

It's not that it's not bad to be different, but I've gone a bit outta the park.

True, don't do anyting but follow basic rule and you won't be a fool.


I guess piano must be the hardest.


I never seen anything like it.


Looks like something I could easily do on piano..



Not sure if I'll have the discipline to follow through with this.  I already have a guitar and harp.

I took this for 1 year of high school to teach band.  It was learning violin, even people who are already violinists - well, then they take a different stringed instrument.  It was a group class.

July's Shopping

I had an extra $100 from last month in store plus more I wasn't expecting when I woke up, today.

I paid $3 for 20 keyrings with $11 shipping, like from an army store.

I got a CD I used to have on iTunes about dolphins and the soundtrack to the movie Flipper.  I got Singing Exercises for Dummies.

I'm now about to get violin stuff, a cheap black 1 with books 1 & 2 and easy beginning solo books of folk and 1 of Christmas book 1..

That'll conclude the money I had today, anyway.

Most of all I got was used but in good shape.

So, I found Lindsey Stirling, a pro or selling violinist a few months youger than me..  Well, she's all set up, and I never ended up recording my stuff, neither, until a weird situation, but that's that.

So, I just happened to look up the violin and found it a good price.  I'd been planning on a flute for $100 for the instrument, maybe later..

My keyboard pedal plug keeps getting rusty, so guess I need a new 1.  The keyboard is out of shape.

So, my focus is singing, but I dunno what it is about the keyboard or maybe even the piano.  I wanted a real piano so badly.  Didn't get my own computer.  Probably shoulda.

My Singing

It's amazing my recorded voice after throwing up and scratching up my throat.  Sounds okay for a general performance..

Mobile in Awhile

may or may not post

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Chinese White Dolphin

Pink River Dolphin  


This girl is being weird thinking anything I like is for her that I have, like attention or something.


This is true in other places, as well.  No one accepts it, though.  It's some offensive thing.


The girls on IMDb all want attention but not for me to get it.


Some people want people to "get close" to their parents in ways that don't exist as an excuse for their bad behavior, suggesting that they really are their parents's kids and when they do something their parents don't agree none of that just happened .. and that you need to be uncomfortable around your parents or even close in ways you are with others and not them.

Monday, June 30, 2014


Why does it seem rich people look so good?


We were on a long journey like in a postcard with snow.

I was battling.

We got ot an office.

There was a lady who in some ways physique-wise resembled Ellen DeGeneres, in an office, but with hair a bit shorter ad flatter overall.  She was being cornered and said something about how she was right to run the office.  There were other people.  Someone like me, a hero, came in, Johnny Depp.  They were afraid if Johnny had a gun, others would shoot him.  Instead, he used 2 thin knifes to abstractly slice into another person.  People were, "Huh?!"


I think my psych pills have diminished my metabolism and my back would not heal.  I took pain pills for it for the 1st time, last time this happened.  My back still hurts some.  I've been up every like every hour since midnight.  I've taken pills 3 times, so far.  Now, it finally doesn't hurt so much.  I even threw up a few times, but still it hurt so much.  It's not the worst I've felt, but it healed less quickly with me waking up so much.

I had a pineapple smoothie, though, with frozen pinapples, coconut water, and OJ.  When I yawn and such, my throat feels closed.  I was gonna come on here and post about it but guess I ended up not, since I was just so hurt.  When I didn't take pain killers, I slept through it and woke up and it was all gone.


Not sure if what I said about the girl with the dancer dad was okay with other people.  I didn't mean anything bad.

Not sure what I'd say instead.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Things That Aren't Right

You can't get away with because of the negative side of Tim Burton or some of his fans that you can go amiss and think things won't get worse by letting out your supposed or supposed joke .. something negative, thinking it won't get worse because you did it.


Might need to go to bed, soon..

Did you notice..

..how people get a hi when something goes wrong to me and I have to get a little upset?  It lasts so long!  That's sayd (sad.)


Don't tell me what to do.  I am not going to be more Chinese.  I'm going to stay how I am.  You can't tell China what to do..

I don't like this.

I can't say hurting people matters when it's words and that from hurt is born light.  I don't do it, but I can't say it's bad.

IMDb - The Soapbox

Dancing Dads

There was this girl at Disney World holiday dancing auditions. I heard her say her dad was a dancer. She was so poised, had an oval head that slanted, nice lashes, nice eyes, perfect look, reddish dyed hair.

So what, b itch, go suck on a baby bottle.

 just an animal watching time go by under a silly summer sun

I might be alive.

I have the potential.

What if I'm not?

I see you.

I see people skirt outta their mom with a slender, attractive father in their blood.

Having Class, Style..

I spent my whole life suffering cuz "there was 'nothing' there" from my dad's side.  If he is non-Southern European and therefore like his nose is not prominent, what about all these other people you approve of and even look up to possibly without Southern European in them?  He may have Jewish and probably indian, so this may not apply.

I don't want to be included.

I am not 1 who goes out there and says someone can't sing cuz anyway by gosh they sure could.

(I was challenged that someone was "better" as an ice breaker or their innate wish.  I don't believe I am to be belittled cuz no one says that about my voice.  Don't tell that to student singers. Siging teachers don't always sing a lot nor well cuza age and singing shape.)

Speak now or forever hold your peace.

Ellen DeGeneres

as in anything to do with her or what she has to say

I don't need to be kept waiting.

I took her at her cutest when I saw her, but she simply is drawn into herself and maybe just needs Portia?  At least in some way|extent.

IMDb - The Soapbox

So, do you know the importance of having a ''cool'' dad?

I saw this 1 girl at Disney auditions for holiday dancing.. and she said her dad was a dancer.. Ugh. Her face was perfectly shaped kinda like mine as a toddler before little brother came into the family. Like, she had a sorta oval face with a high head in the back, maybe tilted toward her chin, like colored reddish in her hair, nice curly lashes.. white skin, pretty oval eyes, looked comfortable and cool just cuza what Daddy did not her.

 just an animal watching time go by under a silly summer sun

Hard Work

puffing through singing each song, older age


I have people around me acting corny and trying to ^feel good^ off-a making me feel like I did something.  Give up, already!

What do you think of..

..an extended family full of middle-aged women thinking they're ***y like Middle Easterners, like the lady going to get the water for the burly man? even over the mixed race girl child?  ..Sorta celebrating being in the middle, power over the young but also ***iness over the young and younger than the elderly.

My aunts must hate me.

They must have lost my dad cuz of any sign of racism and he says they're inferior.  Funny thing is, he's racist but says he's not and likes being indian best but is an Irish boy (cuza his Anglo dad.)

Reversing Racism

Should all those annoying white guys and chicks suffer their acting like they can discipline Mongolians so much, like make them feel like 2nd-class citizens?  Like, ooh, you weren't as respectful, you felt rebellion, feel it some more.

I officially do not accept Orlando women.

If you're trashy means you're bad, not that we should feel sorry for you.

Stealing Success

When people say they don't like me, they mean they don't like successful people their age and find it a point to say out and they want what they earned as far as reputation goes.


After my vacation, I sang for 10 minutes.  I need to rebrush my teeth and drink more water.  ..and put on chapstick (the teeth|mouth thing.)

It's almost that time.

Catch TV Show

Rising Star - singers



I noticed that people think Richard Carpenter and the pianist in the movie Jersey Boys can be cute and play the piano but me no..

Are you trying to alter the course of modern history?

People in the same family all have differences, as do differences between others.  The amount can be any ratio.

What would you believe if..

..your mom thought she was ***ing up her opposites attract husband rather than the next generation of girls when it came to her baby?  Like, you're dad's from Pennsylvania, you're from him.  xp  That's like evading some touchy-feely dude getting too close.

Dealing With Psychotics

Why do I have to deal with people whining and screaming that everything's their ideal of Pennsylvania always doing things even in error in a straight line, like they're constantly debating the existence of any morality applying to them, while people like Ellen DeGeneres live in glass houses, where when she finally breaches an explanation she can just deal with the answer and not the shit I do?


I'll make about $200,000.  It'll take about 1/2 year if I sing every other day.

The 1st indians

took to cold temperatures.


The little girl in Jersey Boys ODs, do you think that more Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian people ever actually show for what their voice is worth over Mediterranean peoples?


Do I have you to thank for having now crappy parents who act like they're kids your age?


Why are so many things so ugly these days?  Things used to matter.

Favorite Part of Disney

It seems everything was ruined when Ellen's ride came because the Main Street Electrical Parade eventually stopped and came back and the music sucks.

Something Important

People who are born from 1980-1996 are mistreated, so when they make their stand don't you dare say you were there for them and tickle them outta their leadership!  'You know what I'm saying?


At Jersey boys, I stood up and danced and clapped at the end, from side to side.  I clapped loudly at the end, too.


People just want good people to be in trouble, even though good people probably usually aren't in trouble.  Bad people display such satisfaction in harming good people emotionally by displaying the fact that they think they did something wrong.


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